Vašulka Mediascape
Eigenwelt: “First video instruments inspired by the architecture of audio instruments”
“There is an unprecedented affinity between electronic sound and image-making. Each generation of artists seems to come up with a tempting proposition of uniting the acoustic and the visual and vice versa – hoping once and for all to solve the mystery of audio-visual aesthetic … The advent and use of the oscillator became the natural link. As in our case, many of our colleagues and friends used audio oscillators or audio synthesizers to generate their first video images. The first video instruments were inspired by the architecture of audio instruments, and the first organization of images was negotiated in similar ways.”
Woody Vašulka, “Curatorial Statement,” in Eigenwelt der Apparate-Welt Pioneers of Electronic Art, Steina Vašulka & Woody Vašulka, curators, Ars Electronica, Linz (1992); link: